Monday, September 2, 2013


One thing that has caught me off guard since we returned has been how out of my comfort zone I have been. I should have seen it coming. After you spend months longing to be back in your familiar surroundings, it shouldn't come as a surprise when things are different than you expected.

Even though some things around RVA will never change.....other things did while we were gone.

There is a new recycling system. I can't figure it out for the life of me. Do the food scraps go in the pink bucket or orange? Do I separate papers from tins? Where are the recycling stations? It may sound simple but it is not familiar to me so it seems super complicated right now!

There were a bunch of new staff that arrived while we were gone. And then more new staff came this year when we returned. We missed our Staff meetings at the beginning of the year since we arrived so late so I keep seeing new faces on campus and I feel out of the loop.

I spent the last 10 years of my life working part time here. My kids were preschool age so I helped as I could, but my identity was pretty wrapped up in my kids' schedules. Now, they are all in school and I am working "full time." I do enjoy it but it is different not to be in the young moms group anymore.

The subject areas I am teaching this term are all brand new to me.  While I enjoy them, I feel out of my comfort zone.

This morning as I was having my quiet time with the Lord, I was reminded again of that familiar verse in 2 Corinthians, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
It is such a comfort to know that in the midst of so many changes, HE is the same. HE is our rock who never changes. And in the midst of my weakness, HE is strong.

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