Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Purposeful Prayer

     At the beginning of each term the staff gather together, the night before all the students arrive, to have communion and to pray for the new term before us. This term, as we sat in the school chapel, with the communion bread in our hands, William - who was serving our communion- said, "Did everyone receive the bread?"
     At that moment, a voice came from the back of the chapel, "No, William, the Ndam people of Chad have not received the bread."
     Another voice rose, "No, the Gabbra people of Kenya have not heard the good news."
     And then, "No, the Didinga people of South Sudan have not received the bread of life. "
     Voice after voice. Tribe after tribe. Hundreds of thousands of people who do not know Christ. Many who have never even heard of Jesus before.
     Sure, it was cleverly scripted, but it hit home. As I participated in communion that night, I was struck by how blessed I am to know Jesus as my personal Savior, and how so many in this world do not know Him.
      Many of our students come from "CAN" countries - otherwise known as "Creative Access Nations." This means that their parents work in some of these countries where unreached people groups live. They are spreading the gospel to the people who have never heard the good news before.
     As a family, we have been praying for unreached people groups in our family devotions at night. Our mission cleverly printed off a deck of cards, with different names on each card, so we will pick one at a time to pray for.

Would you join us in praying for those who have not heard about Jesus yet?