Friday, April 27, 2012

Winter in Kenya

I wish my blog had a temperature button. The following pictures do not do justice to the COLD we are feeling right now in Kenya! Winter has come, but around here, it doesn't bring snow with it, but lots of rain. We have been wearing our rain boots and carrying umbrellas every day. Our fireplaces are lit each day, in hopes of warming up our cold stone houses just a bit. Along with the rains, comes all sorts of bugs - slugs, flying termites, and my least favorite - the Nairobi eye. A very small insect - hard to spot - but it is filled with nasty acid, so if you see one, don't squish it or it will give you a horrible acid burn on your skin.

School has started up again and we are on the home stretch. I think the last count from my seniors in class was about 82 days until graduation! I am teaching Advanced Cooking again this term with a new batch of students.....all seniors! Keeping them focused this time of year is a challenge. But who doesn't enjoy cooking? You can see they are taking their culinary skills very seriously here!

1 comment:

  1. We have had an infestation of June Bugs. Somehow they are only in Rongai (to this extent)? Literally thousands of them. They fly into your doors overnight and lay on their backs, dead, until morning. They also fall through the ceiling boards. Crazy things. I've also found several Nairobi Eyes in my bed. Now I check my bed multiple times before climbing into it.
