Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lightning Strikes, Camping in the Wild, and the End of Term

Today marks the end of second term. As I type, students are leaving campus, all homeward bound for a month of reunion with their families. In fact, Jeff is driving one of the buses this afternoon to the airport.
In many ways it has been a good 12 weeks. We managed to avoid the infamous "Second Term Flu Bug" that often strikes. And many things happened - sports games were played, classes were taught, and relationships built. But everyone - staff and students alike -breathes a sigh of relief when vacation hits and we can just press the pause button for a while.
One of the reasons we are SO excited for vacation is that it will mean a break from the computer crisis. Several weeks ago, lightning struck a building on campus and fried much of the computer network. Jeff and his IT team have been working around the clock (on top of the other jobs they do) repairing broken equipment. Now that things look pretty good (holding my breath), we are ready for some family time!
This past weekend, before the kids all departed, we took a group of students camping about an hour away from here. We have a group of kids that comes to our home every month for hanging out time. The group consists of 8 tenth grade boys. On Friday afternoon, we piled into two vehicles, laden with camping gear, and set out for the campsite, near my brother's property in Naivasha.
We had a blast! I wish we could have stayed longer than 1 night. Even though we did a lot of fun things, my highlight of the whole trip was the half hour before sunset. The boys had taken our kids down to the river to play. Jeff and I were setting up camp and as we puttered around, I stopped for a minute and said, "Just look around you for a moment! Drink it in!"

The pinkish blue sky over the ridge. The quietly rustling bushes. The glow of a newly built campfire. The smell of the African Plain before a rain (the rains did come the next day!). The splash of the river nearby. Oh we are so blessed to live in this amazing place!

The camping trip did not end without adventure. That night a buffalo and a hyena visited our camp. (I am glad I slept through the excitement and only heard about it in the morning!)

Here are some shots of our adventures:

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