Friday, November 4, 2011

Fall Colors

I miss seasons in America. I especially miss the crisp fall air, the leaves turning color and slowly dropping to the ground, the outings to the pumpkin patch, the apple orchard, and of cider and donuts!

HOWEVER.....I really can't complain too much. After all, we get fall colors too. They are just more brilliant and well...different! Every year at this time, we get the "short rains" (the "long rains don't come until May or June) and we get some vibrant colors.

the beautiful yellows and golds of the acacia trees...

the lovely lavender of the Jacaranda trees...

the red bottlebrush tree and the green cactus...

close up of the Jacaranda....

the ever-blooming bougainvillea bush... 

that comes in so many different colors...

and back to my favorite...the Jacaranda!

I am so thankful for the beauty around me!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Joyellen! I love the acacia and jacaranda. The jacaranda is my very favorite of all time. Thanks for sharing.
