Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Romans 12:15

Today my friend Faith and I had the opportunity to put this verse into action.  "Rejoice with those who rejoice, and mourn with those who mourn." Our Kenyan friend, Virginia, who cares for our kids, helps us in our home and is a great friend to both us, lost her father this past week. Although he was elderly and his health was failing, it still was a devastating loss to Virginia's family.
Our schedule didn't allow us to attend the all day funeral later this week, so we consulted another Kenyan friend on cultural etiquette in this case. Our friend assured us that it was acceptable to pay the family a visit in their home to visit and pray together on a day leading up to the funeral.
So, this afternoon, we set off  with some home baked goodies and some money to contribute for the funeral expenses, and most of our kids (my girls had after school activities they were involved in) and went up the hill to Virginia's childhood home.
We were greeted warmly by Virginia and her family. There was a houseful of people, paying their respects. We enjoyed a cup of chai, were able to talk with the various family members, take some pictures, and pray with them before we left. I was thankful that my parents had taken me on many visits to Kenyan homes when I was a child!

Here are a few shots of the day:

All the brothers and sisters....and me!

Here is Virginia, with Faith, her four children and Ian and Maureen (Virginia's youngest daughter).

Virginia comes from a family of 16 brothers and sisters! So the house was bursting at the seams! They are a great family, whose testimony was shining through, in the midst of their sorrow.

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