Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Step Aside Rachel Ray....

....that is right, STEP ASIDE you cool celebrity chef. Because guess who is teaching Advanced Cooking class at RVA? Oh yeah....that is me! I definitely don't feel like the most gourmet chef in the world, but I do enjoy perusing my fair share of cookbooks and cooking sites on the I guess that is qualification enough. Not to mention, all that separates us from Regular old cooking class and ADVANCED cooking class is a garnish. Yes, just a sprig of parsley on top and it is automatically delectable piece of art.

In all truth, this has been a fun class to teach. I have 12 juniors and seniors. They are sweet, humorous, adventurous and willing to learn new things, so that is great.

That is one thing that is fun about RVA.
You never know WHAT you are going to do around here! 


  1. Look at you go! I remember helping you teach your first cooking class 10 years ago, or was it 11???? You are great!

  2. Cake decorating senior year was such a fun memory! Glad you get to carry that tradition on!

  3. Wow, that is so cool!! So true about the parsley. My secret impressive trick is to put a hibiscus flower on a plate with fresh fruit/dessert and everyone things it's super fancy.
