We are finding this to be true as we transition back and forth....and back and forth....and back and forth. The grass always seems greener on the other side. And once you move to the other side, the green-ness fades and once again.....the OTHER side looks greener again!
After waiting for four years to come back to America, I became convinced that the US of A was the the answer to all my problems. Over time, I had built it up to near perfection. Go back and read the first few posts of our life back here - I was writing euphoric entries, singing the praises of manicured lawns and pizza delivery. At that point, all I could see were the pros of America and the cons of Kenya.
Fast forward 5 months and the negative things that used to frustrate me about Kenya have faded a bit. The traffic jams in Nairobi, the never-ending pace of life during the school term, the fact that everyone knows everything about everyone in our close-knit community.... All of a sudden all I can remember are the crisp morning runs on the edge of the Rift Valley, having students into our home and eating and laughing together, our sweet Kenyan friends and their smiles.....Amazing how a few months can change one's perspective!
And fast forward 5 months in America? The McDonald's burgers that used to taste so yummy? Now all I can think about are the calories. The endless days of summer are now replaced by the short, cold and dark days of winter. The newness has worn off and the realization has hit: If I am not happy right now, right here, I will never be happy.
Isn't that what it boils down to? Contentment in the here and now. In the midst of a messy kitchen. In the midst of a blustery winter day. In the midst of the mundane. If I am not happy now, I never will be. Where does my joy come from - outward circumstances or true inner joy that only the Lord can give?
I am trying to embrace each day for the gift it holds. Enjoying my American days here and someday I will enjoy those Kenyan days again - and fully embrace them - the good AND the bad.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Reflecting on Tragedy
Our hearts are so heavy as we continue to process the Sandy Hook Elementary Tragedy. There are hardly words for something so horrific....and so close to home. To be a parent of young children, living in a small town, sending my children to a good school.....I can so easily put myself in the shoes of these devastated parents. And yet I can't even begin to imagine their grief and loss. There are photos, stories, opinions and blogs swirling around the web right now and I am going to choose one to share here today that really touched my heart. She put into words what I cannot, so go ahead and read for yourself:
A Day for Hatred
A Day for Hatred
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
What we are Learning
One of our goals for our year in the US was to re-charge our batteries and plug into resources to strengthen our marriage and family. The Lord has been very gracious to us, going above and beyond what we expected. We have had the privilege of really soaking up wonderful teaching from our church, plugging into Bible Studies and meetings with our pastoral staff, and reading great books. We also had the privilege of attending a 5 day spiritual retreat, sponsored by Quiet Place Ministries, an organization that ministers to pastors and missionaries. We are still learning as we go what it means to truly rest in the Lord. Here are some things the Lord has been teaching us:
- Gratitude is so important. In the midst of hardship, we can choose to grumble and complain....or we can choose gratitude. Gratitude points us towards Christ - a much better choice than grumbling and focusing inwards at ourselves. Francis Schaeffer says, "When I lack proper contentment, either I have forgotten that God is God, or I have ceased to be submissive to Him. A quiet disposition and a heart giving thanks at any given moment is the real test of the extent to which we love God at the moment."
- God's Math doesn't make sense. We don't know how or why - but at the end of every month we can look back and attest that God has not only provided for our needs, but has gone above and beyond in His graciousness to our family.
- Sometimes you just need to rest and let go. Coming from a pace of life that is intense and trying to pull away from a tendency to "do everything for everyone," we are trying to learn to find our security and significance in Christ and His love for us. It is hard sometimes, but good.
- There is truly power in prayer. Prayer is not just coming before the throne of God, making requests, but it begins to align our desires with what God has in mind for us.
- God is so much bigger and has so much more in store for us than we can ask or imagine. We are trying to pray with our hands wide open, knowing that God's plans for us are good, maybe even better than what we have in mind.
We are truly thankful this month.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Starting in the month of December we are praying for God to bring in 30 partners, pledging 30 dollars a month, in 30 days. That's just a dollar a day. If we reach this first goal, that will bring us nearly 1/3 of the way to our overall goal of 100% support before July 2013. In doing so, those 30 partners will join us as we seek to faithfully serve Him in the ministry of Rift Valley Academy, investing in the lives of missionary children. If you are already a ministry partner with us or you are unable to give at this time we ask that you pray with us for God to provide the right people to come along side. If you are able to give or are considering supporting missions please pray carefully about this opportunity. Any amount you may be able contribute will help us reach our goal of being fully supported before we return to the mission field. We are excited for you to join us.
Monday, November 5, 2012
RVA Kids Unite!
We are so blessed to have about a dozen RVA kids in our general vicinity this year. Most of them are at Calvin College, but a few are scattered at other colleges close by. We are all going through transition together, so it is fun to get together now and then and tell stories. How we love to laugh over each other's first impressions, funny moments, and remember the things we miss about Kenya. We have had the kids over to our house a few times for dinner and hanging out. It is just as much a ministry to our family as to the college kids as we are all longing for a familiar face. Our own kids just love the big kids and can't wait for them to come to our house! Here are a few pictures of our gatherings....
the kids love Eun Sung!
Yummy Indian food!
The big kids loved the legos just as much as the little guys...
the girls...

how many kids can we fit on the couch?
Friday, October 12, 2012
Apple Orchard!
This week I joined Ian's class, as a parent volunteer, on a field trip to the local apple orchard. Despite the ridiculously cold temperature that day, it was a fun time! We listened to Farmer Rob explain how to grow and harvest apples. We listened to stories about apples and pumpkins. The kids got to each pick an apple to eat and a pumpkin to bring home. All in all, it was a fun day!
Ian on the school bus
Farmer Rob talking to the kids
Looking for the perfect apple to pick
All bundled up for winter!
Ian and his good buddy - they look like twins!
the pumpkin patch
Ian's whole kindergarten class
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Fall Routine
I have been a slacker in the blogging department. And I can't say that I have been THAT busy. Busy, yes, but not compared to the crazy fall schedules of those around me! Whew - especially when I look at some families who have kids in sports, drama, or music and are running to events in the evenings and weekends, my life seems slow!
However, we are plugging into, and enjoying our, fall routine. This past week:
However, we are plugging into, and enjoying our, fall routine. This past week:
- We had our first Small Group with 4 other couples from our church. I am really looking forward to spending more time with these great people! Some of them were in the same small group with us four years ago, so we feel blessed that they asked us to join again.
- We started our respective men's and women's Bible Studies. I am attending the Tuesday Connection at our church and already so thankful for my small group of women alongside me as we dig into God's Word. Jeff is going to Men's Fraternity on Wednesday mornings - it starts at 5:30 am so I am so proud of him for waking up so early!
- I attended an inservice regarding Substitute Teaching. I am now most of the way through the process (just have to wait for the paperwork to clear) to sub in Rockford Public Schools! I am ready!
- Jeff starting teaching in the College age Sunday School class. They are studying Ephesians and Jeff is enjoying getting to know the students and his small group of guys.
- The fall colors really started to emerge. Sometimes I just stop and pull over on the road to take it all in. We have missed Autumn and are enjoying every red, orange and yellow leaf we see!
- Jeff took Megan on a "youth hunt!" This past weekend was open for kids to hunt with an adult. Even though they came home empty-handed, they had fun being in the woods and enjoying God's creation.
- We got to attend our first ArtPrize! This is an art competition in Grand Rapids. It started four years ago, just after we left to go back to Kenya. We have heard SO MUCH about it and were excited to see it for ourselves. We did have to fight crowds (it was silly to go the first weekend it opened!) but it was so cool to see the artwork!
- We have been able to connect with some of our RVA kids, who are in college in the West Michigan area. It has been fun to tell transition stories together!
- And last, but not least, we have been enjoying family time!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Off to School!
Our kids started school last week. There were so many answers to prayer in the area of our kid's schooling.
1. Just having our kids go to Rockford Public Schools. This is the district that I taught in 11 years ago, before we left for the mission field. It is an excellent school district and I was so excited when we were able to find housing in this area for our kids to attend.
2. Our kids are all at the same school. This is the only year it will happen - grades 5, 2, and K. And even though Megan (grade 5) and Ian ( K) are the furthest apart in age, their classrooms are side by side - so nice!
3. The bus stops right at the end of our driveway and our kids can ride the bus with their neighbor friend.
4. Each of the kids have made a special friend at school.
5. As we have started to get to know the teachers, I truly believe my kids each have a teacher whose personality is a perfect match for each child!
6. Megan, Lyndsey, and Ian all came home with big smiles this week and were excited to go back - Praise the Lord!
Thanks for praying for a smooth transition!
1. Just having our kids go to Rockford Public Schools. This is the district that I taught in 11 years ago, before we left for the mission field. It is an excellent school district and I was so excited when we were able to find housing in this area for our kids to attend.
2. Our kids are all at the same school. This is the only year it will happen - grades 5, 2, and K. And even though Megan (grade 5) and Ian ( K) are the furthest apart in age, their classrooms are side by side - so nice!
3. The bus stops right at the end of our driveway and our kids can ride the bus with their neighbor friend.
4. Each of the kids have made a special friend at school.
5. As we have started to get to know the teachers, I truly believe my kids each have a teacher whose personality is a perfect match for each child!
6. Megan, Lyndsey, and Ian all came home with big smiles this week and were excited to go back - Praise the Lord!
Thanks for praying for a smooth transition!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Chicago Weekend
On August 25 - 27 we headed to Chicago for a weekend. Our first stop was a wedding of one of our RVA students. It was a beautiful, joyful occasion! The day was just perfect for an outdoor wedding and we enjoyed reconnecting with many RVA staff and students. Congratulations Andrew and Alex!
cute decorations! |
Lyndsey and her teacher from last year - Mrs. Kinzer |
RVA kids! |
After the wedding, we spent two nights with our friends, Todd and Carrie. Jeff went to high school with Todd. We had a super weekend with them! They showed us a bunch of fun sights in Chicago and spoiled us rotten all weekend long. We had a wonderful time together.
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the water taxi |
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the lego store |
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we experienced a torrential rain storm in downtown chicago! |
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the kids loved Todd and Carrie! |
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a beautiful rainy night in the big city |
Thursday, August 23, 2012
One of the things we miss in Kenya is being a part of Milestones. This year while we are back in the U.S, I am so excited to not only be a part of the day-to-day life, but to experience all the milestones along the way - Birthdays, Weddings, Funerals, Anniversaries, etc.
The first week we were home, we attended a funeral for my Great Uncle. While it was a sad occasion, it was neat to actually be a part of it. We were able to go to the visitation and the funeral. When Jeff's grandma and my grandpa passed away, during the last 4 years, we attended their funeral via skype. Yes, we are thankful for technology and the ability to be a part of a Milestone from afar, but it is so much better to be there in person and give tangible condolences.
We have been able to celebrate two birthdays, one anniversary, and enjoy seeing a new nephew, born since we were last here! And this weekend, we will attend a wedding! So fun to actually be here and be a part of it all.
The first week we were home, we attended a funeral for my Great Uncle. While it was a sad occasion, it was neat to actually be a part of it. We were able to go to the visitation and the funeral. When Jeff's grandma and my grandpa passed away, during the last 4 years, we attended their funeral via skype. Yes, we are thankful for technology and the ability to be a part of a Milestone from afar, but it is so much better to be there in person and give tangible condolences.
We have been able to celebrate two birthdays, one anniversary, and enjoy seeing a new nephew, born since we were last here! And this weekend, we will attend a wedding! So fun to actually be here and be a part of it all.
Cousins! |
Coffee Date with a great friend! |
Family Reunion |
New nephew! |
Fishing with cousins |
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Our First Month
Well, clearly I haven't updated the blog in a while - we are too busy enjoying our first summer in the US in four years! You know, the first few weeks we were back here, I was tempted to think life here is perfect. Absolutely perfect. The lawns were manicured. The stores were clean and well-stocked. We could throw a load of laundry in and within a few hours, those very same clothes were clean and dry and ready to wear again! Every street corner had garage sale signs posted. We ate delicious food every day. And when I didn't feel like cooking I called a magical number and instantly my family was well fed with delicious pizza. :)
I know life here is not perfect - well at least sometimes! But I am still relishing in many of the above as well as enjoying fun things such as listening to the radio, a dishwasher, driving at night, and many other super fun things! But now in the midst of my wide-eyed wonder, we are starting to find our routine. We are grocery shopping, cleaning the house, figuring out the routine at church, and visiting our local library every week.
Some of our funny moments (I knew there would be a few!) of our first month here:
I know life here is not perfect - well at least sometimes! But I am still relishing in many of the above as well as enjoying fun things such as listening to the radio, a dishwasher, driving at night, and many other super fun things! But now in the midst of my wide-eyed wonder, we are starting to find our routine. We are grocery shopping, cleaning the house, figuring out the routine at church, and visiting our local library every week.
Some of our funny moments (I knew there would be a few!) of our first month here:
- Visiting Goodwill our first week back and being so excited about all the choices, that I (and my sister in law, partner in crime) ignored the "8 limit" sign on the dressing room, took our cart in (another no-no) piled high with about 100 things! We emerged about an hour later to see angry faces and hear a lecture about following the rules. Oops.
- Ian trying to open an automatic door and getting his hand pinched! He wasn't hurt but was scared and tearfully told me later, "I just can't remember that the doors open by themselves here!"
- Some very kind "aunties" gave the kids some spending money and so I took them to Target this week to spend it. Of course they wanted to put everything in the cart. They finally narrowed down their treasures to one or two toys each, paid for their loot, and as we exited the store, they exclaimed, "Target has everything you could ever want! Target is the best store in the whole world!" Oh my. I sometimes think so too!
- The kids told me the other day, "Everywhere you go in America, you need to drive in a car!" They are used to Kenya, where we get in our car about once or twice a month during the school year.
- As we were driving, the kids have a ton of questions about all the signs and traffic rules. They are intrigued by all the different signs. One day Megan told me that traffic lights were so cool and made sense, that Kenya should think about using those too. I agree Megan! :)
- After going on game drives in Africa and seeing the Big Five, what are my kids enamored with? Squirrels. You would think they had just seen a leopard by the way they jump up and down every time a squirrel runs through the yard. They have named the two squirrels who live in our yard - Larry and Mary. :)
- Jeff and I had just dropped the kids off to play with cousins while we ran some errands so we decided to use a coupon and grab a coffee to turn it into a date! :) We entered the coffee shop and stared at the menu for several minutes with our mouths hanging open. The lady kept asking if we were ready to order but we were so overwhelmed by all the choices, we couldn't make up our mind. Jeff was wondering if coffee shops even sell a regular old coffee anymore?
All in all, we are loving being here and catching up on life in the good old US of A!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Saying Good-Bye and Saying Hello
This has been a busy week - traveling half way around the world and saying lots of good-byes and hellos!
But it has been a good week - one where God has shown His faithfulness to us in so many ways.
We attended the graduation of the class of 2012. These were the last group of boys we had in our dorm.
This is our dear friend, Jenny, who also accompanied us on our trip home. Ratio of kids to adults 1:1 - awesome!
Ian's buddy
Packing up the van for the airport! I wanted to take pictures of the trip itself, but it got too crazy to pull out my camera. However, the trip went smoothly - the kids did great on both flights and we made our connection in London with no problem - even though it was a quick one.
Welcome to our new home! We had family and friends who lovingly set up our home for us - we walked into a clean, furnished, and decorated home - a huge blessing!
Our cupboards were stocked...
A gift basket of goodies....
A Sunday outfit on the bed for each child...
A basket of toys...
And we have wonderful neighbors - who have 10 two-week old puppies! The kids are over the moon! :)
We are glad to be back - we can't wait to say some more hellos to those of you we haven't seen yet.
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