Monday, December 5, 2011

Medical Adventures in Africa

The title sounds scarier than our story. Really, this post is just about Megan getting tubes in her ears last week. However, any mundane procedure turns into an adventure here in Africa.

For instance, even though the ENT has been following Megan's repeated ear infections for the last few months, we scheduled the ear tube procedure the day before it actually took we were standing casually on the porch of the RVA Cafeteria after lunch on Sunday, waiting for the rain to stop so we could walk home.

"How about 7 am tomorrow?" he says. And there, our appointment was made. You gotta love Africa.

However, working our way through the system down at Kijabe Hospital was not as easy. Megan's chart cannot be found. Long wait in the "Theatre Reception" (a.k.a. the Operating Room Lounge). Detours down crowded hallways to take vital signs. Another detour to the Casualty Department  (a.k.a....the ER) to take more vitals, amid very sick patients. Still can't find Megan's chart. More waiting. "Mom, I'm hungry!" (sorry, no food until it is over.)  Reading a book. Playing on Dad's Ipod. "Do you have Megan's chart?" the nurse asks me. (No, that is what you are looking for.) Wearing mismatched "hygienic" flip-flops to accompany Megan back to the Theatre. No chart - they used a piece of paper to record her procedure. Prayer with the Doctor. Hugs to Megan. Waiting. All went well (except for a fussy waking up from anesthesia.) Collecting dawa (medicine) from the pharmacy (Why are there 7 people behind the counter and only 1 working?) Never found the chart. Back home again.

Ahhh....So that is it in a nutshell. Trying to be patient in a different culture is hard. Especially when we are used to a customer service society. But in the midst of the waiting and the lost chart, I was reminded how blessed we are to have Christian doctors and nurses caring for us. It was so meaningful to have them pray with us before taking Megan back to the Theatre. And next time I ran into the doctor (on the cafeteria porch again!) he asked how she was doing and said we could pop in any time for a check up.

You gotta love Africa!

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