Sunday, October 20, 2013

To the Bush and Back....Part 3

This blog post concludes our trip to the Bush. It is hard to put into words all that we saw and experienced, but hopefully these pictures will capture some of the adventure. It was so cool to see God at work here!

A sweet little boy who came to the house each day with his Mama.

We had a little birthday party for one of the kids.

The birthday girl!

Megan had her hair braided

We went into the village one evening for a feast!

The flash lit up this photo, but we were eating our food in the dark. It was delicious!

Church on Sunday morning - under the trees

Our pastor and musician :)

A small gathering of believers - a powerful time of looking in God's Word together.

After church - petting Koudie

we discovered Lyndsey had pretty good aim with the wrist rocket!

The village children brought an abandoned dik-dik (small gazelle) to the home one night. Our kids quickly named it, fed it, and had big plans to bring it back on the airplane (which did not happen).

She drank milk from a baby bottle. 

picnic in the bush 

Our family and Sam

thanks for a great weekend, S family! :)

all worn out from a fun weekend!

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