It seems my blog posts have been much fewer and further between than the early days of this blog. I guess it's a little thing called teaching full time! I do find my days to be very full and busy, but then again, who doesn't?
At this moment in time however, I am enjoying a rare moment of quiet on a Saturday morning. This morning, I tried to be diligent in grading some online assessments for my students.....but alas, the sketchy internet didn't cooperate. So here I am, enjoying the summer sunshine of a beautiful Kijabe day on my porch. It's a great time to update the blog!
Mixed in with our little update are a few pictures from this half term. Read the captions to see what we have been up to.
Megan running a race with some other girls on New Year's Day, otherwise known as "Community Day" here, where we join with those in our community to play games. |
What have we been up to?
Well, second term started up again on January 5. Everyone headed back to school and work and the weeks have flown by. Jeff has been tackling long over-due projects on his to-do list (such a trophy case for the school) in the midst of his regular responsibilities. He just finished leading the first series of "Men's Fraternity" on campus for a group of staff men. My fifth graders and I have been digging into studying England's history (King Henry VIII and his 6 wives!) and are now researching famous early European explorers. Megan is busy with friends, homework, field hockey, drama, band, and piano - yes, she's a busy girl. :) Lyndsey and Ian are enjoying the carefree pace of life that elementary school offers.
Some RVA girls playing with the kids at House of House Home in Naivasha on our Service Day. |
Our kids had a great time playing the kids at House of Hope. |
Some of our girls colored Bible Story pages with the little ones. |
Other RVA girls painted nails with the bigger girls at the home. |
Before we left, the little ones sang us a song. |
We look forward to next weekend - a long weekend break for everyone. Mid-term! I know the staff and students alike are looking forward to catching our breath.
Would you pray for our school as a whole? It seems many people I have interacted with this week are feeling tired, discouraged, or overwhelmed. Pray that we can look beyond our own busyness and take time to encourage one another!
Lyndsey playing games at our Water Field Day last weekend. |
Ian enjoyed the waterslide on Water Field Day. |