Every March, the juniors and seniors at RVA scatter off in multiple directions for their interim trips. The students get to choose from a variety of trips: scuba diving, piki (motorcycle) safari, biking, reefecology, Zanzibar, Uganda, Aviation, etc.
We were privileged to lead a trip this year. It was called "Northern Kenya 2." There were two trips to the northern part of Kenya, so that is why we were the second group.
We had a great group of 13 students, and one other leader. We had a fabulous week of mountain climbing, viewing animals, seeing the local Samburu culture, playing football (soccer) with kids, white water rafting, rock climbing, kayaking, etc.
This year, I had to conquer some fears. Ever since a tragic (and fatal) accident with an RVA student and a crocodile in 1989, I have been afraid of something like that happening to me. I was in 6th grade when that accident happened, but things like that stay with you forever.
When we had to get in the river to whitewater raft, I was terrified! Even though our river guides assured us there were no crocodiles, it didn't help calm me. Thankfully, I was able to overcome that fear and jump in to the water (and jump back into the raft quickly, I might add!). But it was a good thing to not let fear rule.
I was really proud of our kids too. Some of them had to dig really deep to get to the top of the mountain, or to climb in that raft, or to slide down the hill into the river in a kayak, and they did it too!
It was a great week overall and we are so thankful to have been a part of it.
one of the best highways in Kenya... |
Mt. Ololokwe - we climbed up to the top! |
We were fortunate to see a lioness one evening, and a cheetah (but it was too fast for us to capture on film!) |
conquering fears on the raft! |
our amazing group of kids |
hanging out with the kids at the village |
our whole group |